Busting the Myths and Misinformation of Dementia

Annual Pierce County Alzheimer’s Conference
Health Care Providers of Pierce County and Pierce County Human Services will be hosting their annual Alzheimer’s Conference on Saturday, October 1st at Rainier View Christian Church in Tacoma. This annual conference is a treasure trove of wonderful advice for care givers of any nature…from care professionals to family members of a loved one with memory loss.
This year the two scheduled speakers are:
- Laura Wayman (renowned author of A Loving Approach to Dementia Care and recognized as the Dementia Whisperer)
- John Finke, Ph.D. (Associate Professor of Science, University of Washington, Tacoma)
Caring for someone with dementia means devotedly and patiently doing a hundred little things each day. Few care providers are trained to meet the challenges of dementia, however, at the Alzheimer’s Conference you will receive practical, compassionate advice on overcoming caregiving obstacles and maintaining meaningful relationships with loved ones who have dementia and memory loss.
This event is free, but advance registration is required. Attendees can register online at the Pierce County ADRC website: www.pierceadrc.org or by calling 253-798-4600. Doors open at 8:00 a.m. and the conference program is scheduled from 8:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.. The event is being held at Rainier View Christian Church, 12305 Spanaway Loop Road S., Tacoma.
You might be asking yourself:
- Will our loved one have to go to a nursing home?
- Why is our loved one refusing to take a shower when they were always so concerned about their personal appearance?
- Don’t people get Alzheimer’s Disease only when they are much older than 50?
- Do the medications prescribed for Alzheimer’s help?
- How do I continue to live my life in spite of my loved one having this disease?
- What physical and behavioral changes can I expect as my loved one’s condition progresses?
- As a caregiver, what are the most important things I need to know about my loved one’s care?
- What new treatments are available and what is your recommended course of treatment for my loved one’s condition?
- What types of resources and support services for Alzheimer’s exist locally? Are there any you would recommend?
- What changes should I be aware of and reporting during these visits? What types of behavior would constitute an emergency?
- What are our next steps?
Alzheimer’s care is a collaborative effort. Remember that your loved one’s care is a partnership between you, your loved one, their medical team and any additional family members or professional care staff you employ. Also, remember that it’s important to take time for yourself and to ask for help when you need it.
We hope you will take advantage of this important and meaningful conference to help you on your journey as a care giver of someone who has dementia.
For more information: Pierce County Aging & Disability Resource Center, 253-798-4600 or 800-562-0332.