Meet Resident John Lynn

John and wife Sally were both born in Tacoma. John attended Stadium High School, graduating in 1954, and Washington State University (WSU), graduating in 1959.
In 1959, John met Sally at WSU when she was in his room playing Bridge with a group of friends. They went their separate ways and then reconnected in 1960 and were soon married. During their marriage they had two children, a daughter Kate who is a Drug and Alcohol Counselor, and a son Mike, a Dean at Purdue University.
In the 1970’s, John and family joined the Mountaineers and John became the Climbing Chairman of the local Mountaineers branch. The family loved to hike and did it often. Daughter Kate has climbed all six major mountains and son Mike has climbed two. John has always been athletic and is also an avid soccer player. As the Chairman of the Gonyea Boys and Girls Club, he coached youth soccer for children six though eleven and basketball for seventh and eighth graders.
John began working for his Grandfather at Lynn Funeral Home during high school. After graduating from college, and not finding a job that was fulfilling, John purchased the family business from his grandfather. The 80’s were the “Team Work” Era. With the help of friends, a Lynn Funeral Home webpage was established on the internet. The very first day Lynn Funeral Home was on the Web, John received a call from an out of town man whose mother had just passed away and was able to make all the funeral arrangements for him. Being on the web certainly opened many opportunities for clients. Wanting to learn more about the internet and changing markets, John returned to college at Pacific Lutheran University in 1988 earning a Master’s in Business degree.
Being a business owner in the personal services industry, John was very active in the community. He served on the Tacoma School Board from 1985 through 1997. His work on the school board was very fulfilling and John was able to be a part of many great changes within the school system. He is also a Mason, and as a Mason initiated a program for students at DeLong Elementary School. If students stayed in the district and graduated, they received Guaranteed Education Tuition (GET) credits, paid for by the Masons which helped pay for their college education. John is very civic minded and has been a member of the Tacoma Kiwanis Clubs and Tacoma Elks since 1963. He has always been involved with life and is a wonderful community volunteer.
In 1995, John and Sally purchased a home in Ocean Shores. Sally loved it so much that she told John he would always know where to find her, that she planned to live there permanently. Being community minded, John soon joined the Ocean Shores City Council and was a member there from 2010 – 2017. As always, helping to make the community a great place for everyone.
Traveling was a joy and they did it often, especially after retirement. They began traveling in 1990, with their first trip to Nigeria where they helped schoolchildren with school supplies and educational materials. Many trips ensued all around the world and they enjoyed it all.
In April of 2018, John and Sally moved to Franke Tobey Jones. Sadly, in June of 2019, Sally passed away. They enjoyed 58 wonderful years of marriage.
John is very active at Franke Tobey Jones with working out in the Wellness/Fitness Center, serving on the Resident’s Council and being a kind and caring friend to fellow residents. We are so happy you are here John. Your smile and enthusiasm for life are contagious!