
Pt. Defiance ~ Ruston Senior Center Awarded Rotary Grant

Kate Gray by Sign

Franke Tobey Jones was recently notified with the exciting news that Rotary Club of Tacoma #8 and their Board of Directors granted an award of $6,000 to the Pt. Defiance ~ Ruston Senior Center!

These funds will be specifically used to help with Senior Center operating costs.

Accepting the grant at the awards presentation and luncheon, were Kate Gray, Director of the Senior Center, and Shelley Harris and Franchesca Thomas from Franke Tobey Jones Philanthropy.

Upon receiving the award, Kate said, ”I am extremely grateful and continually amazed by Rotary 8!  Their ongoing support is vital for the doors of the Senior Center to stay open, and they are one of the few organizations who allow funding to go towards operations. 

Rotary ensures the Pt. Defiance ~ Ruston Senior Center is accessible to our community, and we can provide activities, games, wellness programs, nutrition, and camaraderie.  I thank them for their kind hearts and continuing generosity, without which we could not accomplish what we do.”

Added Shelley Harris, Director of FTJ Philanthropy, “The Rotarians are a remarkable group of people who raise funds throughout the year and strive to improve people’s lives both locally and internationally.  The awards luncheon gave us another meaningful opportunity to see the many diverse organizations who make a positive difference in Tacoma.  We are deeply appreciative and honored to be one of the recipients.  We thank Rotary Club of Tacoma #8 for all their dedicated work and generosity in making our community and world a better place!”

Categories: General