Ruston, Lighthouse and Beacon Senior Center – December Highlights

4716 N. Baltimore Street, Tacoma, 253-756-0601
Presentation on DNA – December 11, 1:00pm
The Washington State Patrol Forensic Service Bureau will be hosting a presentation about DNA. Some items to be covered are: What is DNA, DNA matching, Privacy Concerns, and how DNA is used to solve cold cases.
Power of Attorney Presentation – December 19, 10:00am
Attorney Elizabeth Johnson on Power of Attorney and DPOA will host this presentation.
Spaghetti Dinner and Entertainment – January 26, 11:00am
Join us for a Spaghetti dinner and entertainment!
Lunch on Fridays at the Senior Center Starting in February
Starting on February 1st, Franke Tobey Jones will be providing lunches at the Center on Fridays. Participants will need to sign up for these lunches. The cost has not be set at this time.
415 S. 13th Street, Tacoma, 253-327-1228
With the chill of winter setting in and the holidays in full swing, make the Lighthouse Senior Center your destination of choice for this year’s celebrations and activities!
We have added a few new, fun activities to try as well as a couple of festive celebrations to attend. Join us for newly added:
- Word Search Contest Monday’s at 10:00am
- Family Feud Game on Wednesday’s at 10:00am
- Seated Volleyball on Friday’s at 9:45am.
Holiday Party – December 12th
The Ted Brown Ukelele Group will spread the holiday cheer with a performance at this year’s holiday party on Tuesday the 12th. The party will be from 11:00am to 2:30pm, and the music will start after lunch at 12:45pm.
Sing Along – December 19th
The Puget Sound’s Sing-along will be highlighting holiday tunes on the 19th at 1:00pm.
Holiday Ham Dinner – December 20th
Catholic Community Services will be serving their holiday ham dinner on Wednesday the 20th
Sack Lunch/Potluck and Movie – December 26th
Join us for a sack lunch/potluck at noon, and for the movie “Home for the Holidays” movie at 1:00pm.
We hope to see all the familiar faces as well as a lot of new ones for all of these upcoming events.
5016 A Street, Tacoma, 253-327-1112
Holiday Party
Come join us for our Holiday Party December 20th at 10:00am.
Beginning Drawing
Every Monday in December join us for Beginning Drawing at 10:30am.
Line Dancing
Every Thursday in December have fun at our Line Dancing at 10:00am.
Thursday, December 14 at 10am. Be sure to bring your pictures!