Senior Center Report

By Kate Gray, Point Defiance ~ Ruston Senior Center Director
As we say goodbye to 2019, I always like to reflect on accomplishments (some major, other minor).
The following numbers are a comparison of the 2018 and 2019 numbers. Full recaps can be seen on the last page of this report. The ⊗ sign indicates a milestone never previously accomplished.
Data Basis
Months program attendance hit 3000: 2018 = 3 | 2019 = 7
⊗ Months program attendance hit 4000: 2018 = 0 | 2019 = 1
Monthly unduplicated headcount hit 500: 2018 = 1 | 2019 = 3
Unduplicated headcount hit 600: 2018 = 624 | 2019 = 687
⊗Months annual unduplicated headcount hit 600: 2018 = 0 | 2019 = 1
Annual Totals / Increases
Total program attendance: 2018 = 33,558 | 2019 = 36,973 | 2019 Increase = 10%
Annual unduplicated headcount: 2018 = 2,234 | 2019 = 2,547 | 2019 Increase = 14%
The Senior Center is not just about numbers, it is about people. People who not only participate, but people who volunteer. Individuals who make our programming possible through service in many capacities, including teaching classes, washing dishes, decorating the Center and so very much more. In 2019, we had 121 volunteers who provided 9,728 hours of service.
There can be no one program that is more important than another because they each serve a purpose for the senior who participates. That being said, there are certainly some programs that stood out in 2019.
Meals = 6,324
*Wellness = 8,110
**Health Services = 886
Food Rescue Program = «2,832 | ««21,827.49
AARP Tax Program = 936
Educational Classes = 782
* Wellness includes all physical activity, such as Strength & Balance, Yoga, Tai Chi, Zumba, etc.
** Health Services includes non-physical activity, such as blood pressure checks, flu shots, footcare, health education, etc.
« Number of participations during the year
«« Pounds of product provided during the year
The aforementioned programs are just a small sampling of what goes on at the Senior Center. There are games, fundraisers and much more. Of special note are programs that were sponsored by outside agencies, such as a self-defense class, emergency face mask program and heart failure seminar. In 2019, the interior of the Senior Center was painted by volunteers and staff. Sixteen volunteers participated on a Saturday to give a needed update to the Center.
Wrapping up the year are our holiday parties. At Thanksgiving, there were over 60 participants who enjoyed the Memorie Singers followed by a Thanksgiving meal. The majority of those in attendance would not have had a turkey dinner had it not been for Catholic Community Services whose staff cooked the meal.
The Holiday Party started long in advance of the actual event when FTJ staff started putting together baskets to raffle off at the Center throughout the year. They outdid themselves this year! This was evidenced by the more than 80 participants who attended the party and found themselves oohing and ahhing over the extraordinary baskets. During December, some elves made surprise appearances and were captured in the act of having fun! The 2020 participant calendar was given out at the party along with gift cards from FTJ and a small gift from the Center staff.
Kate Gray
Point Defiance ~Ruston Senior Center Director