Senior University January 2023 Class Sneak Preview

Wednesday, January 4, January 11, January 18, and January 25
Tacoma Community Ukulele Project: Exploring the Ukulele*
The ukulele is an instrument that you can learn chords & songs on with no prior musical training, so please join us regardless of your previous musical experience and leave with the tools to keep learning on your own. Over the course of just four classes, you will learn at least 8 songs, multiple strumming patterns, practice techniques to carry your learning into the future, and all in a fun & engaging social setting!
10:00 am, Bristol View 1st Floor Bowditch Room
Friday, January 6, January 13, January 20, & January 27
Basics of Sign Language*
Join this “voice off” 6-week class to learn the basics of American sign language (ASL) communication. Classes are taught using a combination of PowerPoint presentations, games, demonstrations, and dialogue practice via partners and groups.
10:00 am, Bristol View 1st Floor Bowditch Room
Thursday, January 19
Great Decisions Discussion Kick-off Meeting*
This will be a short meeting to request your briefing book, get a copy of the program descriptions with meeting dates, and to sign up to lead discussions. You may feel free to use this opportunity to learn more about the Great Decisions discussion course and ask questions. It’s also a great way to get familiar with Zoom if you aren’t already. Please register in advance.
3:30 pm, Zoom (Pre-register to receive the Zoom link)
Thursday, January 26
Steve’s Local History: Tacoma Police and Fire Departments*
Steve Dunkelberger is a local historian, author, and journalist, as well as a teacher in the Tacoma Public Schools and Pierce College. He focuses on local history, particularly the odd quirks and figures of our shared heritage.
4:00 pm, Bristol View 1st Floor Gathering Room