Chris Hall (Team Member)

Jane and Chris I joined FTJ as the Sr. Director of Marketing in 2009.  For the previous 25 years I’d been working in marketing at several other organizations, all for-profit companies.  I didn’t join FTJ because it was a not-for-profit organization or because it served seniors, which is the reason many people come to work here.  I took this job because it seemed like a good marketing opportunity in which my skills and abilities fit well and in an organization in which I felt could benefit from my experience.  Oh my goodness, little did I know the impact FTJ would have on my life.

When taking this job I didn’t think much about the fact that it was a not-for-profit and I really didn’t expect anything different.  How wrong I was!  From the very first week on campus I felt a tremendous difference.  It didn’t take me long to figure out that this is a mission driven organization in which serving residents and the community to the best of our ability is the number one priority.  At FTJ we are encouraged to stop and say hello to residents and community members enjoying the Bistro, or to take the time to walk WITH a resident to the building in which we are heading instead of just running past them, or to take time to stop by happy hours, meals and other events to say hi and mingle.  In my other jobs it would have never crossed my mind to do such a thing, it just wasn’t done.

Having no family myself, the FTJ residents and team members have become my “adopted family.”  And I know this is true for many team members, even those with families.  Our residents have led such amazing lives, and it’s just so interesting to learn about their history, where they have come from, what their careers were like, where they have traveled, about their family and what is meaningful to them.

Jane playing the violin Nearly a decade ago a woman named Jane moved to FTJ.  She has played the violin all her life and is a gifted musician.  She wanted to continue to play her violin when she moved here and was looking for people to play with.  Through the grapevine she found out that I play the piano, and made it a point to track me down…which she did in short order.  When I met her she said, “We need to play music together!”  I’m a piano player and have sung classical music in groups for 50 years but NEVER had I been brave enough to play or sing alone.  I told Jane, “I am waaaaay to scared to play with you and especially to sing alone…in front of ANYONE!”  Well, let me tell you, she had me playing and singing in front of residents in no time flat…and this has been an incredible gift to me!!  She got me out of my box, and I have enjoyed the experience greatly.  She changed my life for the better!   Jane is now 94 and is still plays her violin for the enjoyment of our residents.  She is an incredible inspiration to all of us, and I feel so honored to have had the chance to make music with her for the past many years.

Franke Tobey Jones is a unique place, a wonderful community where both residents and team members have loving and giving hearts.  We care deeply about our residents and each other and about people’s wellbeing.  It’s a pleasure and privilege to work here.  Especially during this Centennial year, I think of Mrs. Franke Tobey Jones and her desire to create a loving home where people “in the sunset of their lives” can live among friends and be free of care and worry.  100 years later we are still living Mrs. Jones heart.  My office is in the original Tobey Jones building, and there is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about our amazing history and what a privilege it is to work here.

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