My in-laws, Leonard and Ann Flamoe, moved into Frank Tobey Jones in 1997. She entered the (old) Care Center and, to be closer to her, Len moved to the Tobey Jones building. He was a man of several talents and considered himself the resident gardener and established a garden where the Garden Apartments are now located. He bought himself a go-kart so he could take all his gardening tools there with him. Besides visiting Ann every day, gardening was his life when he lived at TJ. When construction on the GA began, the Resident gardens were moved next to the TJ building (where Bristol View is now located.) That made it much easier for Len, as they had individual sheds and stalls in which to keep your own gardening supplies. A greenhouse eventually followed, and Len continued to oversee the Resident gardeners. Residents grew berries along the fence along with various vegetable and flowers in beds.
When Ann passed away in 2002, Len decided he wanted to create an English cottage garden as a lovely tribute to her. About the same time, another TJ resident, Doris Voss, passed away. Her family placed a bench in her memory outside the exit door by the Multi-Purpose room in TJ. Len decided that would be a perfect place for his garden. He began working hard on that garden, planting many perennials bringing wonderful scents and colors to the area. It soon became a relaxing place for residents to sit and enjoy.
Len passed away in 2007 before the construction of BV. When that happened, the residents’ gardens were moved, but Len’s garden still remains. Most of the beautiful plants have since disappeared, but the bird house he put up with a plaque in Ann’s memory still stands.