Writer’s Celebrated!

In celebration of the Franke Tobey Jones Centennial this year, we held the first ever Pacific Northwest Senior Writer’s Showcase as part of Franke Tobey Jones Senior University. Entries could be in the form of a story, poem or essay and had to relate to the theme “home.” The entries were limited to 1,500 words, and the works were judged on imagination, creativity, quality, memorable qualities, impact on the reader, etc. Prizes ranged from $50 to $350.
We had 28 authors participate in the Writer’s Showcase and the winners were announced at a special reception on October 30th. Congratulations to the following…
First Prize
Best of Contest
Sandy Juker for “Home Is Not A Place”
Second Prize
Best of Topic
Barbara Wyatt for “Cradled By Giants”
Juror’s Pick
Judy Cook for “Old Friends”
Juror’s Pick
Carolyn Hunt for “My Education at the Bodega”
Juror’s Pick
Marleen Bosanko for “The Lock”
As a special gift, Franke Tobey Jones published the chosen stories/poems/essays in a 140-page printed book, and the top three entries will be posted on the Franke Tobey Jones website. The five authors chosen to receive prizes were asked to read their pieces at the Writer’s Showcase Reception on October 30th. At that time, the winners learned which prize they received. Aside from the book, each published author received a hat with the FTJ Centennial Logo and said, “Published Author.” All authors were encouraged to attend the event, and all published authors were given a copy of the completed book at that time. Additional books will be distributed to FTJ libraries and also available at the Writer’s Showcase Reception for a suggested donation of $20 to help offset the cost of printing.
Writer’s Showcase Editor Bio:
Abrian Curington is an artist and writer, living and working in Washington State. After receiving a BA in Fine Art from Western Washington University, minoring in Classical Studies, Art History and Japanese Language, she began publishing her art and writing through her company Blue Cat Co., resulting in multiple digital releases, a full-length graphic novel and two graphic novellas. She works in both fantasy and non-fiction, championing curiosity, exploration and the intersection of multiple disciplines and ideas.
Writer’s Showcase Jurors
- Callista Brown (retired English professor)
Ethan HD (owner of Destiny City Comics)
Andree Larson (rare book seller)
Again, congratulations to all participants and winners! A special thank you goes to Jana Wennstrom, FTJ Senior University Coordinator, for creating and implementing this event, and to Abrian Curington for serving as the Writer’s Showcase Editor.